Just for Fun

Easy DIY Wedding Photo Christmas Ornament

The holidays are a great time to share some of those beautiful wedding photos with loved ones! They create very special and meaningful gifts that can be enjoyed year after year. So, as a way to mix it up a bit here on our blog, we wanted to share a quick and easy wedding photo christmas ornament that even the less-than-crafty among us can make with ease. Plus, these ornaments take less than 15 minutes to make and use supplies you have around the house (or even the backyard ;) for a budget-friendly option as well - so you can feel free to make a bunch for everyone in your family! 

DIY Wedding Photo Christmas Ornament



Gather the following supplies to complete your ornament (makes 4 ornaments): 

  • Mod Podge
  • Paint Brush
  • Ribbon and/or Twine
  • Hot Glue Gun & Glue
  • Wood Slice Coasters (We purchased ours from World Market, but you can use natural wood slices from your backyard if you have skills with a saw)
  • Scissors
  • Laser printed copies of photos, as many as ornaments you plan to make

To make the ornament:

First, trace the wood slice over the area of the photo you want to use to ensure your faces or the area you want to highlight is centered. Then, cut out the photo at least 1/4" inside the traced circle to allow for some of the wood to show when the photo is placed on top.

Next, Use your paint brush to brush Mod Podge on the wood slice. Then, place the photo on top and smooth with your fingers to remove any air pockets, as it can create bubbles or creases. Brush more Mod Podge on top of the photo. Wait until it dries and then add a second coat of Mod Podge. 

Once the second coat of Mod Podge is dried, cut a length of ribbon to create a bow. Secure in place using your hot glue gun. Next, create a hanger from the twine and secure in place using your hot glue gun on the back.

That's it - you're done! Easy peasy ;) You can sign the back of the ornament with your names, wedding date, the year, or even a personal note to make it even more meaningful. 

In all of the excitement of giving, don't forget to make one for yourself to hang on your own tree to enjoy!